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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jamaica to the Tundra!

Friends it is time for some more gig tips - welcome especially to the new sign-ups through Feedburn thanks for inviting me into the comfort of your inboxes - and happy new year everyone.

Downturn, recession, humanity's last hope - call it what you will we're all spending a bit wiser, we have something other than the weather to talk about and the revolution's round the corner, bring it on I say. While cash still has value though be sure and do your scrimping and saving on fripperies and please not for live music - MUSIC IS NOT A LUXURY! It's food for the soul as well we all know, and what better way to unexpectedly meet friends or meet new people than by sharing great experiences together as an audience.

RE:sessions, the sessions in Sin É are as good or better than ever, Friday night was amazing with a dozen great players including four flutes and that great pair up from Killarney again - the fiddle player's name is Jeremy and he plays with a pretty jazzy guitarist whose name I don't know. Anyway the craic was mighty altogether, don't forget there's particularly great sessions there every Friday and Sunday evening.

There's a few gigs I wanted to make sure you know about.

Wednesday 21st
Damn I'm probably too late to tell you about Albert Niland tonight at the Pavillion, sorry if you're a fan.

Friday 23rd
1.10pm Aula Max, UCC Trihornophone (Bill Blackmore [trumpet]-Seán Óg [alto saxophone],
Kelan Walsh [baritone saxophone]-Dennis Cassidy [drum kit]) have been getting seriously rave reviews and by all accounts don't just tread the line between avant-garde jazz and accessibility they dance on it. Or something, I don't know, let's go and find out - it's free.

8pm Cork School of Music - Festival Favourites... the Choral Festival are putting on a lovely fundraising concert at the school of music, the tickets are just 10 euro and they have lined up a great mix of performers, including Cantemus Chamber Choir who one the National choir competition in the festival last year, the school choir of last year's festival (Presentation, Ballyphehane), as well as Colin Nicholls (organ) Keith Pascoe (violin) and Amanda Neri (mezzo-contralto). There'll even be trad as well - all in all great value and a nice opportunity to support the festival through the tough times ahead.

The Ping Pong gang have got digital rocker Max Tundra in town playing a gig at the Pavillion at 9pm http://www.myspace.com/maxtundra .

Saturday 24th
Reggae heads will be happy to see Natty Wailer in town at the Crane Lane - it's an early gig, 7.30 and 20 quid in. http://www.myspace.com/nattywailermusic

Monday 26th
If you're ever looking for a pint and some good live music of a Monday night head down to the LV on McCurtin Street where the Critters have a residency - great free tunes yee-ha!

Wednesday 28th
UCC Trad Fest starts today and runs to February 1st - but for some reason their programme still isn't up on their website. Hopefully it will be soon cause they always offer exceptional fare and lots of free stuff. Check http://www.ucc.ie/tradmus/index.htm soon is all I can say. I'll tell you what I'll post the programme when I get it.

8.30 Crane Lane Boutique Burlesque is back with another smorgasbord of lipsmacking delights - and that's just the audience! A raunchy fun-packed evening of music dance, comedy, and spectacle, ten euro don't go no further (sorry for the lingo, I still have the Critters coming out my speakers here).

Thursday 29th
Triskel, 8pm One big gig I'm looking forward to at the mo is Buffalo Collision, made up of 2 thirds of the astounding Bad Plus (pianist Ethan Iverson and drummer Dave King) along with saxophonist Tim Berne and cellist Hank Roberts, who used to be two-thirds of Miniature. It will be full-on for improv/jazz heads only, but if you think that's a good thing it will be! A taste here - http://www.last.fm/music/Buffalo+Collision/+videos/+1-beMCm4Q94R0

Aula Max UCC 8pm For the less adventurous the RTE Vanbrugh Quartet will be joined by Cian O Duill on viola for a safe but gorgeous programme
Haydn String Quartet No. 5 in D major, Op. 76, Beethoven String Quartet No. 10 Mendelssohn String Quintet No. 2 in B flat major.

That's it for now folks!

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