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Thursday, March 5, 2009

yip yip yip

Ok I am still mid-house move so I didn't put this together like I'd planned but there's hot stuff on so here's some leads the first of which I'll flag as urgent.

Friday 6th March
8pm Cork School of Music Some young buck by the name of Pierre O'Reilly's after composing a work called Ubu's Story, for Choir and orchestra and our great fiend Niwel is narrating. I will definitely be there.

Fi 6th - Sun 8th March
Make a promise to yourself and me to avail of some of the total once-off performances in this year's Cork Singer's Festival happening all this weekend. You'll find full details on my work events page (loads waiting to be uploaded for the Lifelong Learning Fest happening at the end of the month by the way, I'll get to it soon). I'll be honest and say while I recognise alot of the names though all the concerts but I'm not qualified to tip. Check out this link and see what bites you http://www.civictrusthouse.ie/events.htm

Weds 11th March
8.30-2am Crane Lane Joya's at it again with a heady night of gyptian buzz - Balkan Bohemia. Don some scarves and skirts, hitch up your boots and catch a caravan into town, cross her hands with brass and a night of jumped up jarring eastern folk from Lazik, dance tips, art and heaps of entertainment await.

Thurs 12th March
8pm Cork School of Music Jerry Creedon's guitar concert with Cork Orchestral Society last year was superstar John Williams. This year it's Xue Fei Yang. http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=L_WF2eSMwc8&feature=related

apart from that ye'll have to fend for yerselves I have guests here ;-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Nicki

I was sent to your blog by our photographer friend Stas. We are a Dublin band with some Cork shows coming up (I won't put the gigs here) but I'd like to invite you to pay a quick visit to our site Baby Jenx . If you like what you hear, I can send you the details of our Cork shows in the hope that you might include them in your blog?

Thanks, hope you enjoy our page


PS Sorry for leaving the message here, I had no other contact for you, hope that's OK.