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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

letter to Niwel

Dear Niwel,

Thanks for restringing the house guitar - I can hear Joya playing it downstairs now though I suspect she doesn't realise, it sounds lovely.

I really can't believe I'm missing your big cork gig this weekend. I'm shocked and kind of ashamed - can it really be I take your music so much for granted that I didn't put it in my diary? And it's going to be such a special one I know.

It's looking like you won't be in cork so much longer and i know i'll feel bitter at myself for having spent sunday april 21st 2009 in paris when i should have been in the pavilion in Cork... ask me in ten years i would probably swap 100 nights in paris for a night in cork listening to song of the nations showing the world the new sounds and lost scales.

Hell maybe I'll live in paris then anyway.

Maybe we all will :-)

Pepele, emo....

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