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Friday, May 9, 2008

Very briefly

Hi there,

Sorry I'm very late this week getting music news out. This is a flying visit too so no idle chatter.

Erik Friedlander next week has now sold out as expected, hope everyone who planned to go was in time.

Briefly, these are the gigs that stood out over the next few days:

Friday 9th

Charlies 9pm - Rumbleshack Rockabilly Trio (what a fantastic name!) http://www.myspace.com/rumbleshackrnr

Saturday 10th

Vertigo Restaurant (Top floor of Cork's County Hall)
10am and through the day - It's not music but I thought many would be interested in the chance to meet and listen to readings by internationally acclaimed authors Pauline McLynn, Brian Keenan, Dermot Bolger and many more thanks to Bealtaine Festival, especially in this unusual setting with panoramic views over the city. Admission is free and all are welcome. To reserve a place contact Sinead Collins 086-2206306 (I'd say you'd be safe enough to turn up though...)

Cyprus Avenue 9pm A Hawk and a Hacksaw from Budapest I have read about before and they sound fantastic - I'm gutted I'll be away and missing it http://www.myspace.com/ahawkandahacksaw

Tuesday 13th

School of Music 1pm The wonderful Polskadots http://www.myspace.com/thepolskadots

Cyprus Avenue 9pm Take-no-prisoners US hip-hop poet Saul Williams has a huge Irish following and with good reason. If you haven't and you think you might like to, do. His latest album, 'The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust' was produced by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails.

Wednesday 14th

Triskel, 9pm Erik Friedlander


What's going on?

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