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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

school Tunick

Ah lads I want to write even though I'm tired and dazed like perhaps only someone who with only 1 hour's sleep at 2am gets up, drives to Blarney picking up 3 hitchers on the way, sits in the cold dark in a field for several hours with 1,100 others til the sun rises enough when they all strip quite naked and follow megaphone directions for the guts of an hour, have some fine laughs, admire tatoos and whatnot and slowly freeze (beyond what a mild day's office work and 1 hour bass lesson can cure), to create something which media footage suggests might end up a little special... RTE did a nice item on the Telly news but it's impossible to link to, stupid javascript I haven't a clue how to deal with it.

I especially want to write since a few people said as how I hadn't sent out a mail last week and I felt a bit bold. I've been out plenty of course... that's why the no mail. Lots of trad, some jamming with a cool group of ladies and a Vivaldi Gloria we've started on in choir - not much in the way of concerts except the great Belcea Quartet opener of the IIB Music in Great Irish Houses thing who were exceptional but I was overtired for. To be honest I'm kind of pacing myself and cleaning my palette in advance of the West Cork Chamber Music Festival when I'll be spoilt rotten - coaxed, dragged, flattered and hollered through every emotion under the sun (if past programmes are anything to go by) thanks to the wealth of music left by composers of the last few centuries and the dedication and inspiration of great performers to take me there. And 10-hour work days with usually 4 full concerts each. The programme is a bit daunting online so if anyone wants personal recommendations mail me back.

To be honest as far as things coming up in the city are concerned, well this isn't really a time for music specifically. The Cork Midsummer Festival is officially swinging (I swear I still have periodic shivers as i write to remind me) and the theatre and spectacles they've lined up is bloody amazing. Be wild, try something you mightn't normally as the scope of entertainment and provocation is like nothing else year-round. My plans include:

Braakland and Super Stan Goes Country on Friday

Faust on Saturday,

Corcadorca's The Hairy Ape which opens tomorrow (Wednesday) but I won't get to see til next week, Wednesday I think

Sensazione and Hammergrin's K: The Iowa Project at some stage

Scullion if the gods allow

that's a tiny sample of what's on offer, it just is too, too much - chart your own course at www.corkmidsummer.com

In fairness though there's a few other things going on that more than bear mentioning, they demand attention:

Wednesday 18th

9pm Utopia Nation Noizepod

Friday 20th

1.15pm Cork School of Music - GUARANTEED to be one jazz-abiders will be boasting of in the future - KARL ROONEY perhaps our most accomplished jazz talent at the outset of a professional career making his his MA degree performance in his own quintet. They'll be playing the music of the legendary Wayne Shorter; come and enjoy what will no doubt be an electric performance and support Karl on the big day, it's free but don't go if you can't stay for the whole thing as he's being examined and nothing should disturb the performance.

Wednesday 25th

11pm The Hypnotic Brass Ensemble at the new Pavillion Theatre which if you haven't checked out could make this a must-go, info at http://www.peoplesrepublicofcork.com/~peoplesr/forums//showthread.php?t=132251 Boban Markovich Orkestar they ain't but it will be a blast of a night out I'd say.

That's it, I have to sleep,

Come to Bantry x
What's going on?

PS The clock on my computer's 3 hours slow, anyone know how I can reset it?

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